The tomb of the unidentified soldierThe tomb of the unidentified soldier externalizes the meaning of patriotism, has all the elements of a high patriotic deed and is the most apparent event of praise and...
Statue of Aris VelouchiotisIn the centre of Laou Square the statue of Aris Velouchiotis has been erected. He has been Captain in Chief of the General Commander of ELAS since 1943.
Archaeological MuseumThe Archaeological Museum of Lamia is housed on the 1st floor of the Barrack that is located in the archaeological site of the castle of Lamia. The barrack, inside the...
Mills of MouzelisAn interesting sample of industrial architecture, witness of the thrive of Lamia. The Mills or 'Milia', are connected with the memories of the city when it was...
Stone Primary School of KompotadesThe Primary School was built in 1903 from the National Benefactor Andreas Syggros and operated as one-seater school. The operation of the school continued up to the end...
Busts, StatuesThe statues of Dimitrios Ainian, Ioannis Paparrodou, Spiros Matsoukas and Ioannis Papakyriazis are in the centre of Υπατι and in the homonymous square.
Building in the street of SklivaniotiIt has been characterized as a monument since it was the residence of the Hantzichristos family. Some of its members were directly related to the 1821 Revolution.
Statue of Athanasios DiakosThe statue of Athanasios Diakos is of great historical importance and it has been placed in Diakou Square in 1903.
Thermopylae's Innovative Centre of Historical Info...The Municipality aiming at the promotion of the historical event of the Thermopylae Battle as a major chapter of our cultural heritage as well as the history of Sterea...
Kolonus hill in ThermopylaeOpposite the contemporary Leonidas' Memorial stands a low hill that has been identified with Kolonus where the final phase of the Battle of Thermopylae took place....
Oiti Natural History MuseumOiti Natural History Museum has been enriched with the flora and the fauna of Oiti Mountain, it provides information that relate to Geology, Paleontology, Climatology,...
Artistic WorkshopsThe aim of the Workshop is to offer the chance to young and older people to obtain knowledge that will help them cultivate their artistic skills and make creative use of...
Church of Saint SofiaThe Church of Saint Sofia was built in the place of an older church, which most probably dates back to the Early Christian Period.
Resistance MemorialThe Resistance Memorial shows Aris Velouchiotis against the conqueror with other figures of rebels.
Church of Panagia ArchodikiJust below the Castle of Lamia the Church of Panagia Archodiki was built. It is the second (after the Castle) archaeologically significant monument. It has taken its...
Agathonos MonasteryIn a magical landscape, the street to Lyhnos and close to Ypati we find Agathonos Monastery, on a height of 553 metres on the slope of Mount Oiti. Built in the 14th-15th...
Castle of LamiaThe Castle of Lamia stands on the top of a rocky hill while it dominates and controls the Sperchios Valley up to Maliakos Bay as well as the passageway that leads to...
Byzantine MuseumIt is housed in the building of the so-called 'Kapodistrian Barracks', that was built in 1836 to meet the needs of the Greek army. In 1982 the building which met other...
Monument of Battle of PavlianiThe monument is dedicated to the dead fighters of the battle in Pavliani that took place on June, 3 1943 between the Greeks and the Italians.
FrantzomylosFratzomylos is a building that is a cultural heritage landmark. Through the way it was built as well as its architecture, the visitor can easily discern the historical...