Kolonus hill in ThermopylaeOpposite the contemporary Leonidas' Memorial stands a low hill that has been identified with Kolonus where the final phase of the Battle of Thermopylae took place....
The Byzantine Castle of YpatiYpati was first entrenched during the Hellenistic period. Parts of this fortification have been found in many spots round the Castle and in the modern settlement.
The statue of Leonidas in ThermopylesThe Thermopylae monument was erected in 1955 and was created by the sculptor Vasos Falireas. In the central pedestal there is a brass statue of the Spartan king with a...
Church of Saint NikolaosThe church of Saint Nikolaos, the old cathedral of Ypati, dates back to the 18-19th century.
Statue of Aris VelouchiotisIn the centre of Laou Square the statue of Aris Velouchiotis has been erected. He has been Captain in Chief of the General Commander of ELAS since 1943.
Busts, StatuesThe statues of Dimitrios Ainian, Ioannis Paparrodou, Spiros Matsoukas and Ioannis Papakyriazis are in the centre of Υπατι and in the homonymous square.
Main Railway StationThe main railway station of Lamia is located in the southern part of th city. It is serving passengers moving to/from Stilida and Leianokladi in a daily-basis.
Building in the street of SklivaniotiIt has been characterized as a monument since it was the residence of the Hantzichristos family. Some of its members were directly related to the 1821 Revolution.
FrantzomylosFratzomylos is a building that is a cultural heritage landmark. Through the way it was built as well as its architecture, the visitor can easily discern the historical...
Victims-executed's memorialThe Iroon (The Memorial) that is in the centre of the city and in the homonymous square is in the memory of the victims-executed during the Holocaust in Ypati on June,17...
6th Junior High School (Gymnasium)It has been characterized as a historical preserved monument because it was thought to be an interesting building in terms of architecture due to its analogies. It was...
Captains' memorial in KompotadesUnder the planes of the Square, the meeting of the Captains Diakos, Panourgias and Diovouniotis took place on how to fight against the troops of Homer Vrionis and Kiose...
Agathonos MonasteryIn a magical landscape, the street to Lyhnos and close to Ypati we find Agathonos Monastery, on a height of 553 metres on the slope of Mount Oiti. Built in the 14th-15th...
Traditional watermill of GorgopotamosJust beside Gorgopotamos River and just below the Historic Bridge lies Papanagnou's traditional watermill and operated to our days.
Folklife Museum of FthiotidaThe Folklore Museum of Fthiotida is part of the Museum Bureau of the corresponding intendancy of the Municipality of Lamia and was founded in 1984. It displays folklore...
Victims-executed's monumentThe Iroon (The Memorial) stands in the memory of the victims-executed as retaliation in blowing Gorgopotamos bridge
Three-aisled basilica church of VarkaIn the 'Varka' location of the Baths of Ypati there have been periodically spotted and excavated from 1968 to 1973 the ruins of a three-aisled basilica and another...
Thermopylae's Innovative Centre of Historical Info...The Municipality aiming at the promotion of the historical event of the Thermopylae Battle as a major chapter of our cultural heritage as well as the history of Sterea...
Cave of Arsali (Saint Jerusalem)In the higher grounds of the fir-covered Oiti Mountain, stands an enormous cave that looks like a Cyclops's eye that is vigilant for his kingdom. It is the cave of...